GIANNI VERSACE rare Italian heavy silk crepe foulard represents and the Harmonia Macrocosmic star atlas written by Andreas shops Cellarius
GIANNI VERSACE rare Italian heavy silk crepe foulard represents and the Harmonia Macrocosmic star atlas written by Andreas Cellarius
Italian heavy silk crepe scarf 84x84 cm. 33 "x33" approximately and a representation as only HE could think of it.
a stat atlas and an attempt on celestial cartography showing our known cosmos. The creator of this is Andreas Cellarius a Dutch cartograph living from 1596 to 1665. Together with some other dudes they took on this huge project they named Harmonia Macrocosmia which featured a lot of those graphics and detailed descriptions about towns cities and places around the world. This graphic shows the terra centered worldview so as you can see the earth is the middle of the universe. The rings represents different celestial bodies, I'll translate from earth to outer cirlcle: sphera luna- moon's sphere, sphera mercuri - mercury's sphere, sphera veneris - venus' sphere, sphera solis- suns sphere, sphera martis- mars sphere, sphera iovis- jupiters sphere, sphera saturni- saturns sphere. Next you can see a ring with all the zodiacs they represent the zodiac. Circulus Aequinoctialis is the equinox, the time where day and night have abour the same lenght.
It's a nice historic graphic: the Harmonia Macrocosmica is a star atlas written by Andreas Cellarius and published in 1660 by Johannes Janssonius. The first part of the atlas contains copper plate prints depicting the world systems of Claudius Ptolemy, Nicolaus Copernicus, and Tycho Brahe. At the end are star maps of the classical and further constellations, the latter ones as introduced by Julius Schiller in his Coelum stellatum christianum of 1627.
100% silk "Made in Italy", the label with the composition has been removed, roll hem, hand-sewn, size 84x84 cm. 33 "x33" approximately, a vintage in good condition. The silk is no longer crunchy, used a lot and very well kept. Worth noting: a small hole (highlighted in the zoomed photo) that does not detract from the beauty of this garment. It has been stored for a long time so it would benefit from a steam ironing or washing professional that also revives the colors
For a better demonstration we list many pictures. In the pictures the colors are truth.
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