Beach Bridal Bouquet of Garden Roses Delphinium Hydrangea in Purple Rose Pink and Tan with shops Diamonds Pearls Starfish Sand Dollars Sea Grasses
The price quoted is for the bouquet only.
***This is a most beautiful bouquet, I made for a Bride that had a great choice in colors.
All Mixed Purple and White Dutch blooms mixed with lots of light rose color (or a blush pink if you'd rather), a touch of tan and lots of diamond trims shops too! All with string pearls running through this great looking bouquet! It's a bigger Bridal bouquet at 9 inches and full! Just stunning!!
I added many different seashells, including the starfishes and sand dollars.
Different from the other bouquets I have pictured, this is very elegant and dressy and a bit vintage at the same time, with so much detail! I can also make matching boutonnieres and corsages for this bouquet***
Please contact me for other photos of this bouquet and matching items. The colors are very popular and beautiful.