Product code: Diagraphs and blends wooden sounds set shops for beginning readers and writers
Set of 60 blends and diagraphs. Perfect for teaching sound patterns to beginning readers and writers. Combine with our movable alphabet to make any word you choose!
ay, ai, ar, aw, au, bl, br, cl, cr, ch, ck, dr, dge, ey, ee, ei, ea, eu, ew, fl, fr, gl, gr, gh, ir, kn, ng, nk, or, oo, oi, ou, ow, oy, ph, pr, pl, qu, sh, sl, sk, sn, st, sc, sm, sp, sw, spr, squ, str, spl, scr, th, tr, thr, tch, ur, ue, wh, wr
**Sizes, shapes and bark may vary slightly from photograph, this is a NATURAL product, no two branches are exactly the same or perfect, that is what makes this product unique.** shops