The Design Collective Pincushions; 12 varied pincushion projects using stump work, redwork, gold shops work, crewel work and many more
This volume is like a coffee table book meets a project book. The photos are outstanding. The projects are drool-worthy. Within, you'll find 12 completely different projects for making pincushions. This is a wonderful resource for broadening your skills - everything from crewelwork to stump work (3D embroidery) to pulled work (pulling threads from fabric to create patterns) to silk thread painting is represented here. It is, quite frankly, a delight to flip through the pages and feel excited about embroidery all over again. What can't a little needle & thread do?
This book is imported from Australia via Inspirations Magazine. Their site is fun to poke around in and they offer a beautiful gallery of the books they publish. See more about the Pincushions book here: shops