Monstera Adansonii, 5gal Trellis, shops 3-4ft Overall Height, Swiss cheese Indoor Air Purifying Live Plant.
Monstera Adansonii, also known as the Swiss cheese plant, originates from the tropical rainforest of Southern Mexico and easily adapts to indoor conditions. Monsteras enjoy being in indirect or bright light but also enjoy being under fluorescent light. This plant is very easy to grow and care for. Its exotic perforated leaves allow it to a standout amongst other indoor plants. The Adansonii's delightful vining aroid with conspicuous round windows resemble the holes in Swiss cheese.
Plant Care
• Easy to care house plant, Great for indoor, apartment or office
• Watering: Best to water once or twice a week, or as topsoil feels dry.
• Lighting: Best to keep indoor if outdoor place in indirect sunlight under Shade.
• Best planted indoors in a container if outdoor bring inside for the winter.
Plant Benefits
• Filter indoor air by absorbing toxins and removing harmful chemicals
• Boost mood, productivity, concentration and creativity
• Reduce stress, Fatigue, and Allergies
• Add life to a given space
• Plants are therapeutic and cheaper than a therapist
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