An alternative to the traditional bouquet, this button and ribbon flower bouquet will last forever.
There's so much to see in this bouquet, I couldn't get it all represented in the photos. I love all things green and this bouquet is simply beautiful.
There are over 75 handmade elements in this bouquet...hand-rolled satin ribbon flowers in ivory, Kelly green, and sage green; button flowers that were painstakingly selected and combined with one another and some also include shops pearl and crystal beads; hand-wired mini crystal and pearl vines. The bouquet is roughly 5 inches in diameter, about the size of a cantaloupe.
The handle, which is 4 1/2 inches long, is wrapped with green satin ribbon. The bottom of the bouquet is covered with tufts of green tulle and then overlaid with ivory lace. The interior of the bouquet has been also been filled with tufts of tulle, so that in the few spots you can see between the flowers you won't be able to see the base.
Product code: Green Button Bouquet Handmade shops Wedding